and type your account information on PROOVL 1. $user = "*************"; // Change ********, and put your Proovl user ID 2. $token = "***************"; // Change ********, and put your Proovl authentication token 3. $from = "***************"; // Change ********, phone number under your Proovl account */ ?> PHP SMS script
Text not entered
Go Back
"; die; } else { } if ($to == "") { echo "

Number not entered
Go Back
"; die; } else { } $url = ""; $postfields = array( 'user' => "$user", 'token' => "$token", 'route' => "$route", 'from' => "$from", 'to' => "$to", 'text' => "$text" ); if (!$curld = curl_init()) { exit; } curl_setopt($curld, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($curld, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postfields); curl_setopt($curld, CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($curld, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $output = curl_exec($curld); curl_close ($curld); $created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $result = explode(';',$output); if ($result[0] == "Error") { echo "
Error message: $result[1]

script setup video instruction:

Go Back
"; } else { echo "
Date: $created
"; echo "To: $to
"; echo "Message ID: $result[1]
"; echo "Message Status: $result[0]
"; echo "
Send New SMS Message
"; } break; default: echo "
" ."Proovl Api Demo" ."
" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."
" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."
Character left:
 " ."
" ."
" ."Proovl Api" ."

"; } ?>